Hate mom’s central Heating as well as A/C, can’t escape each other

Even if the air conditioner plan or heating system is running at full blast, I can clearly hear his through the air vents in every room

Whenever I come apartment as well as stay with my mom I honestly consider splitting his central heating as well as cooling system, but i recognize appreciate it would save us a lot of interpersonal drama as well as bickering if I could just force his to update the central heating as well as cooling equipment. It would honestly also be more energy efficient, since his current heating system as well as a/c are at least 20 years old. The biggest concern I have with his indoor air temperature control devices, but, is how the home is so permeable to sound thanks to the HVAC ducts. It doesn’t matter what room you’re currently in, because there are so many air vents installed throughout the home; Every air vent connects to the extensive HVAC duct system, which is composed of thick metal sheets. Apparently these metal sheets are severely conducive to transferring sound, but wherever I am in the house, I can always hear my mom watching the news or speaking to his neighbor through the HVAC ducts. Even if the air conditioner plan or heating system is running at full blast, I can clearly hear his through the air vents in every room. I’m sure that he feels the same way about me as well as my unwelcome echoing sounds that emanate through the HVAC duct. I entirely wish that he could update his exhausting central heating as well as cooling system. There would be some privacy in the home if I wasn’t so afraid of every air vent… Besides, if he installed some ductless air temperature control systems his electricity bills would decline, his air quality would be much better, as well as so would the quality of life.



air conditioner