The house that I clean does not have air conditioning

The house that I clean does not have air conditioning.

I love cleaning for an elderly lady in my church.

She is so sweet, and she just can’t keep up with her house cleaning on her own. I don’t need the money, so I asked her not to pay me for helping her clean her house, but she refuses to listen to me. She still pays me quite a bit to help her clean her house. I really love helping her though. The only thing that makes it hard to help her clean is the fact that she doesn’t have air conditioning in her house. It is super hot during the summer months, and she loves it. She doesn’t even use fans or anything to cool down her house. I swear her house probably gets up to like ninety-five degrees some days, and she doesn’t even think twice about it. She always comments on how she loves that she doesn’t have air conditioning in her house. I don’t say anything because I am there to help her, but I really don’t like the heat. I wish that she had air conditioning for sure. I don’t mind helping her in the winter and fall because it is so cool outside that she only keeps her house around seventy-five degrees. It is not like the summer when it is super hot in her house. I dread helping her during the summer months just because she doesn’t have air conditioning. I hope that she will change and start liking air conditioning, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.

Home services