Riding a fit bike allows me to be active at work

I’m fortunate that I can handle my work responsibilities from home.

My tasks are paid by the project rather than by the house and I often devote extremely long hours.

The job can be rather stressful and tedious. I spend most of the time sitting in a desk chair, staring at a screen and tapping on a keyboard. By the conclusion of the day, I am stiff, sore and often deal with severe headaches. I’ve suffered from painful joints and a feeling of exhaustion. I understand the importance of physical activity. With the style of my job, it’s essential that I am active during any available free time. Every few hours during the day, I make a point to stand up plus lightly stretch my muscles. Simply rotating my neck, shoulders, wrists and ankles works to loosen me up and avoid stiffness. While I attempt to get in a decent workout everyday, it’s not always feasible. I’ve made up for this by investing in a fit bike that I can pedal while working. Although the fit bike isn’t a replacement for a high cardio workout, it’s way better than just sitting still. The fit bike is comfortable and features a desktop where I can place my laptop. There’s also a cup holder and a digital display that supplies time, pace and the calories burned. The fit bike is low intensity and very easy to pedal. I don’t become out of breath or sweaty. I can easily pedal this bike for several hours and never get tired. It’s not a heart-pounding workout but keeps me in motion while still handling my workload. On those days when there isn’t sufficient time to get in a full workout, the fit bike is the next best thing. It’s totally quiet and very compact.


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