Husband downgraded smart thermostat to dial thermostat

Sometimes I wonder where I would be without my partner.

To be fair, I wasn’t on the most promising track when we met.

My life has unquestionably gotten off course after many rounds of poor luck and failing mental health. When we got together he was a massively grounding force in our life. Suddenly, I wasn’t all alone in this complete chaos of a world, I had a partner who constantly had my back and tried to supply me everything I needed. To this day, I assume that he is responsible for our professional work and success in life. For instance, the other day when he took away the smart temperature control and upgraded it with an old-school dial temperature control unit, he was saving my brain. You see, I am a seriously sensitive human when it comes to indoor air temperature and air quality, and I require a particular set of indoor air temperature conditions in order to work effectively. I’m almost constantly now working so I’m almost constantly upset about the indoor air quality. Thanks to our smart temperature control, I could genuinely adjust the indoor air temperature control right from our desk. I could open our phone, modify the air temperature control settings, and hear the air conditioner idea or forced air heating system instantly respond to our every demand. It was great! Except, this smart temperature control convenience enabled me to carry out another poor habit. Workaholism. If you never have to get up to modify the temperature control settings, you never have to stop working. My partner realized that our heating and A/C breaks were the only thing keeping me from going off the workaholic deep-end so he took away the smart temperature control last week! Bless him.

HVAC technician