From heat to A/C in the same day.

I recently drove to a tropical location to visit my eldest child & his family. I could not believe the weather! I live in the south, but not in the tropical location my child lives in. It was an numerous sixth drive & cold enough when I left to have the gas furnace on, back lake house & in the car, by the time I made it halfway there, I turned the heat off & rolled my windows down. By the time I was close, I had the A/C running. But the weather didn’t stay hot all the time; My first evening there, it was cold enough to run the heat & then, while in the day, it was boiling enough to run the A/C. I couldn’t believe it! Every evening, the hot & cold temperatures dropped to around 60, but the dampness made it feel colder. I know it is damp from the humidity, or maybe there was a light drizzle overnight, every evening, although I found myself dismayed that first morning. I didn’t guess that there was any way that I would appreciate the water ski show both of us had planned to see that day, but, sure enough, my child was running the A/C by 10 AM, but granted, it wasn’t boiling yet, but it was warming up, & the A/C is useful in combating humidity. I have never lived in a place appreciate that, where you need the gas furnace every evening & the a/c while in the day, at least in winter. I never would have even thought a place appreciate that existed if I hadn’t seen it for myself.


radiant heater