Don’t forget to look for escaping heat and air conditioning.

These little leaks can cause your energy bills to be two to three times more than it needs to be.

HVAC has been a crucial need for homeowners over the last several decades. If you live in an area where the winters are severe and fraught with temperatures that are often below zero, you need an efficient furnace. You want to keep the temperatures during those coldest days. Our summers are also hot and humid so we can’t do without a good air conditioning unit. I have found that if I have regular service and maintenance performed on my HVAC system, it improves my efficiency. I have also discovered that it is important to maintain the insulation in your home. It isn’t important to only have a high-quality and highly efficient HVAC system. You also need good insulation. You need to make sure there are no cracks around the windows or doors where your heating and air conditioning can escape from the house. There are too many homes where they are complaining about the efficiency of their heating and air conditioning. The problem, most of the time, is that they have air leaks in their windows, door, or even in their insulation. These little leaks can cause your energy bills to be two to three times more than it needs to be. It’s too bad people aren’t educated in the necessity of having good insulation in their home. Good insulation means less loss of energy, and more money in their bank accounts. In conclusion, I feel that if you want good HVAC in your home, or in the home you are selling, you need to check your insulation. Make sure the weatherstripping is intact, and you will have excellent efficiency.

central air conditioning