I found an air conditioning leak.

I don’t care what anyone says.

Heating and air conditioning units are still machines.

At any time, you can have something happen that will cause your HVAC to not work properly. There are emergencies that occur and now would have been able to anticipate it happening. Sometimes, the breakdown occurs out of the ignorance of the homeowner. It doesn’t matter what the reasoning for the breakdown, it can happen and it will at some time. My breakdown ended up being minor, but it had me concerned. I noticed a puddle of water around my air conditioning unit. I called the HVAC company so someone could come out and inspect the AC unit. When the HVAC technician arrived, he looked at my AC unit. He told me I didn’t have a major problem. What was happening was that my condensate drain was filled with algae and completely blocking off the drainage. He showed me how to clean the algae from the drain and explained that I could pour a mixture of vinegar and water down the drain. It would help to clear the algae already formed and it would help to prevent the algae from returning so quickly. Cleaning my condensate drain is now a regular part of the air conditioning unit regimen. I now know how to change the air filters regularly and clean the condensate drain. I am sure there are other things I can do to keep my air conditioning unit and furnace running smoothly so I don’t need to call the HVAC company as often.
air purification