I needed to know more about gas furnaces.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when I needed a new gas furnace.

  • I wanted to avoid all the mistakes that many other homeowners have made.

There are so many things to consider, that I wasn’t sure where to begin. I knew that I needed to know what size I needed for my HVAC system. Every home has its own set of needs. Every gas furnace is built to accommodate the different housing needs. Before calling the HVAC company, there are some things you can do for yourself. You don’t want your furnace to work too hard or not work hard enough. If your furnace isn’t working hard enough, it will be recycling on and off all the time. This puts a lot of unneeded pressure on the furnace. If your furnace is working too hard, it is continually running. This will cause a lot of damage to the furnace. Either isn’t very good for the furnace. You want your furnace to run at peak performance for the length of its lifespan. With a gas furnace, you want to check the AFUE. The AFUE is the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. This is how much gas is actually used in heating the home. When the AFUE is at 98.5% it is functioning at peak performance. An AFUE of 80% is the lowest allowed performance rate in the US for new gas furnaces. I wanted to make sure my furnace is at 98.5%. I knew what I was interested in getting so I called the HVAC company and asked for a HVAC technician. He was surprised at my knowledge, but he was happy to work with me on getting the right furnace for my home.

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