Thank goodness for the dehumidifier system

I felt sweat starting to drip down our backs and I wanted to get cool.

Vincenta had something cooking, and I could smell it! Just call it intuition! I knew that, although I had known the guy since we were five years old. But we didn’t start dating until we finished college, however we were best friends for a long time. It’s tough not to get to really know someone after such a long time. She seemed a little bit distracted, as if she was planning something. Early one summer time, she woke me up and she said we were going somewhere. It was the weekend, though, and I had all intentions of sleeping in. She tried to get me out of bed, although I would not budge. That is, I wouldn’t until I knew what was happening! All she told me was that it would be a big surprise. I laughed a little big, since I’d suspected all along she was planning something for me. Finally, I dragged my tired body from the bed, took a quick shower, got dressed and walked over to get into the car. That’s when we ended up in front of the nicest beach house I’d ever seen. Vincenta had booked the venue for a small summer time holiday for the two of us. The house was beautiful, and when we got inside, it wasn’t too bad. However, it felt a bit uncomfortable due to the high humidity outside. I felt sweat starting to drip down our backs and I wanted to get cool. Vincenta went to the control equipment to check to see if there was a dehumidifier available on the indoor thermostat system; Lucky for us, there was. She activated it. About half an hour later, the beach house felt great on the inside and all the humidity was gone. Thank goodness for the dehumidifier feature in the A/C system.


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