I had many complications until I went to see a shrink

For a long time, I had a bunch of complications that I needed to have worked out.

I was took care of with bi-polar, so that was something difficult to work with.

I had to take meds for quite some time plus I didn’t like that at all. I had anxiety especially in social situations. I also was afraid of things like spiders plus drowning. I would never go swimming because I was afraid I might drown, even when the water in the pool was relatively shallow. I had to point out to our friends that anybody could drown even if there was only a couple of feet of water; A good buddy of mine told me I needed to see a special psychiatrist who specializes in hypnotherapy. I didn’t suppose I could be hypnotized or that it would help, but I was wrong about that! This psychiatrist I went to see was the real deal plus did a good job with me. I was able to get over our fears 1 step at a time. It isn’t something that will just happen overnight, at least not for most people. It was amazing when I was no longer afraid of spiders. They didn’t bother me at all anymore plus I would calmly collect them with a jar or something plus put them outside, I didn’t even try to kill them! When I was no longer afraid of heights, I was able to go up on the roof to patch up some things plus maintenance the chimney for the fireplace. I also tried something I never thought I would do, plus that was to install a modern Heating plus A/C system. I installed a ductless mini split with many indoor units. It wasn’t that hard, plus I don’t suppose I would have even tried installing an Heating plus A/C system if I didn’t get over our anxiety complications.

a/c rep