Not a good move to skip evening maintenance

I mean, I had never been entirely consistent when it came to calling the HVAC supplier for HVAC service anyway.

So what’s the huge deal if I skip the heating service this year? This is what legitimately flawed logic tends to look like. And what’s worse, it worked. I fully talked myself into thinking that I could save myself a bit of money and not have the oil furnace tested by an HVAC professional prior to the frosty season. I tried to remember exactly when the last time I had the oil furnace heating service done. I couldn’t legitimately remember for sure. And that should have been the first clue that I might need to call the HVAC supplier there and then. Of course, that’s not what I did. Really, it wasn’t even about the money as much as it was about me being incredibly lazy and feeling over confident. Either way, I made peace with the decision and cranked up the oil furnace when it started getting frigid in the fall. And just as I told myself, the oil furnace ran and ran well providing the heating we needed while in the first section of the frosty season. Yep, that oil furnace ran unbelievable until it didn’t. And of course, due to my hubris, the oil furnace broke down in the middle of a frigid night. There was no waiting til the morning hours so I had to call for an emergency HVAC service call. Just getting the HVAC professional out in the middle of the night was so overpriced. But what legitimately hurt was finding out that the cause of the oil furnace concern was minor. And of course it would have been caught while in normal heating service.

heater for sale