The story about how I met my husband at the air conditioning business

After two years of working together on HVAC units and transforming damaged units to quality air conditioners, he proposed to me and after a few months we had our wedding at one of the prettiest garden venues in town

I had just graduated from college as an air conditioning expert and was looking for a job. It was the worst time to look for a job as we were facing a global pandemic. After months of looking for a job and getting rejection after rejection, I finally got a job as a junior cooling tech at one of the most successful air conditioning businesses in town. My first job was executing an air conditioning install at one of the offices in town. I was accompanied by my supervisor who had experience in all things air conditioning services. By the second month, I could handle most of the processes including executing an air conditioning tune up on any central air conditioning. Once when I came back from my lunch break, I striked up a conversation with one of the senior cooling workman. He told me about the work site he had been on that involved fitting an indoor air cleaning system at the local kindergarten. After work, he played with the kids and they even colored together. I remember falling in love with him there. Over the next few months, he would help me get better in processes that proved difficult like handling air conditioning repairs. As customers would change the air filters of their cooling products, we did not need to assist. After two years of working together on HVAC units and transforming damaged units to quality air conditioners, he proposed to me and after a few months we had our wedding at one of the prettiest garden venues in town. After the wedding, we continued working together but in different departments.

