The doctor asked about my HVAC equipment

I’ve never entirely been a sickly sort, sure, I’ll get a cold or a flu every few years, but by and large, I’ve remained entirely healthy.

While I take pretty good care of myself, I do suffer from pollen irritations a bit, then and when I get a chest cold, I can suffer with a cough for a while, and that’s what sent me from my warm home with the furnace running to the doctor’s office that feels like the a/c is perpetually on.

But this cold was one that I couldn’t shake and I could figure out why this one was so much worse, I think I expected the doctor to provide me with meds and send me back to bed! Yet, that’s not at all what happened, however my doctor started asking me questions about the air quality of my home. Well, I had no idea how to answer those as I had nothing to compare it to. So she asked me about weird aspects of our HVAC equipment. Again, I was at a loss. The doctor ended up sending me home with the suggestion that I call the HVAC company to get the HVAC ductworks cleaned. I was sort of confused but she just suggested it. I set up the appointment for ductwork cleaning plus ductwork resealing plus the HVAC crew was great. They took good care and did a beautiful job. The doctor was right on the money as my symptoms cleared up right away. So I’m now making a ductwork cleaning area for my annual springtime cleaning.

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