The air conditioner is outside on the sidewalk

I am sitting here trying to figure out how to tell my husband how the air conditioner ended up on the sidewalk outside of our bedroom.

I have always been one who is prone to having minor ‘mishaps’.

I once started cleaning the bathtub and I forgot I had the plug in the tub and I left the water running. I had only planned on walking away for a moment but I got engrossed in a conversation with my sister. An hour later, it was raining in my living room. I couldn’t hide that from my husband any more than I could try to hide the broken AC unit outside on the sidewalk. I didn’t mean to push the air conditioner out of the window, but I couldn’t just let it sitting in the box either. I wanted to make sure the air conditioner was going to work properly. Okay, so my husband told me to let it sit until he got home from work and then he would install the air conditioning. I’ve told him how I feel about being patient. I am not a patient person and everyone knows that. After being with me for more than two decades, he should know it also. I had no problem getting the new AC unit into the window. I did have trouble closing the window and holding onto the air conditioner. I would say I learned my lesson about patient, but I’m sure I will figure that out the next time I faced with a what should I do situation.

Heating industry