I’m sorry I’m an HvAC tech

From the time I was old enough to know what I wanted to do with my life, I wanted to be an artist.

I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make enough money through my art to support myself.

I knew that I would have bills to pay and I also knew how expensive it was to have HVAC repairs made. I remembered my dad always lamenting on the cost of HVAC repairs. I thought that if I became an HVAC technician, I could save money and do my own repairs, plus get a discount on the cost of parts and equipment. I never thought about the cost of going to HvAC technical school, nor did I think of the time it would take. When schooling was done, I quickly got a job, but then again, I was accosted with the time it took up on the job. I didn’t have the time to keep working on my career as an artist. I was spending all of my time on my ‘get by’ career of being an HVAC technician. I truly thought that the money you make being an HvAC tech, would be enough that I could save and be able to take time off to work on my art. I didn’t realize how much of my time would be taken up with the HVAC. I was always working late because of the need to go out on emergency HVAC repair jobs. I didn’t count on how hard it would be on my hands, once I became an HVAC technician. I no longer had time to work on my art career but I was also fearing that my hands would no longer allow me to be an artist.

Dial thermostat