Surprised that the A/C condensers are entirely different

I don’t honestly know if they run theirs unquestionably often because I never hear their condenser even kick on

I spent quite a few months slowly moving into our new condo. It was genuinely an awful experience. Although I figured it would only take roughly three weeks, it took more about 8 total if I include the several weeks I spent painting at our new site. The reason why it took so long is because I had little help until the end. My father is disabled & is bed ridden basically every day. Although years ago he moved our brother & I by himself on numerous occasions, these days he needs help just getting around, so I am his full time caregiver. With those responsibilities, the transport was so much to take on that it caught me completely off guard. Despite the horrible process, it is nearly over. I have fully moved all of our belongings to our new home & we turned in the keys to our rental roughly a month & a half ago. However, I still have a residing room that is actually filled to the brim with boxes that I have to slowly work on whittling down whenever I have free time away from work & my caregiver duties. Although several of these condos here are actually standardized, it seems as though everyone has a peculiar brand for their heating & cooling appliances. They are all traditional split-style Heating, Ventilation & A/C appliances, however every single condenser looks much different from the next. Ours is fairly oversized, however our next door neighbor’s Heating, Ventilation & A/C condenser is really small by comparison. I don’t honestly know if they run theirs unquestionably often because I never hear their condenser even kick on. It might run for so many minutes roughly five times a day at maximum, even in the Summer season. I am entirely amazed that they get away with barely any air conditioning because our temperature is severely warm. Although, I’ll admit, I absolutely depend too much on our heating & cooling appliance.
