Getting tougher every single year

I used to feel like a pretty tough person, until I moved to the North. I used to live in a place where we got some fairly cold winters and a bit of snow, but that was nothing compared to the new place I had to call home. When I moved, I was shocked because it would snow just about everyday and I was always out there shoveling non-stop. I kept getting sick because my body was entirely not used to dealing with such frosty weather on a regular basis. One thing I was happy about was the fact that the house had two sources for heating. There was a good fireplace for burning firewood, and there was a gas furnace. I came to learn that the gas furnace had to be tuned up before every winter season, otherwise I could face severe consequences. I was told that getting emergency HVAC services was not something I wanted to do if I didn’t want to go broke. It took me a long while to get used to the winter, but eventually I became built for the frosty weather. It’s funny because when I go to visit my friends and family back where I’m from, it always feels too overheated. I always want to crank up the A/C because I’m so used to the frosty weather now. I still don’t feel like I do as well as others who have lived in the North for a long time, but I am becoming tougher every year when it comes to dealing with the frosty weather.


Hybrid HVAC system