I am not supposed to change the air filter in my HVAC unit

Right now, everyone is saying that you are supposed to change the air filter on your HVAC units, but apparently, the lavish HEPA air filters on your HVAC device are truly crucial for your health; Normally, the air filters in your HVAC device are intended to prevent dust from getting into your HVAC unit! This serves a dual purpose! First of all, if you prevent dust as well as other particles from getting into the HVAC unit, you can prevent parts from cutting when the particles get into it.

The fans as well as stuff in the HVAC device can absolutely break if you don’t change your air filter correctly. Also, by filtering the air that comes into your HVAC unit, you can wash the air that is going around your house… However, there is a virus that is going around our nation that is truly dangerous, as well as the experts are telling us that the air filter in your HVAC device can prevent the virus from spreading around your house. The HEPA air filter is truly effective in this. However much I may want to change the air filter in my HVAC unit, I am not allowed to change the air filter in my house! I am renting this apartment, as well as my landlord would kill myself and others if he ever found out that I tried to fix something in the HVAC unit. I am not supposed to touch the HVAC device at all. However, the landlord also refuses to use the lavish HEPA air filter, so I am not getting all of the amazing benefits that I could be getting.


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