Fitness helps after divorce

A little over two years ago, I went through a rather ugly divorce.

Although my ex and I weren’t married for all that long, he managed to greatly diminish my confidence. The separation was exceptionally nasty, angry and bitter. I ended up just giving up on the house, in order to get away from my ex-husband as quickly and neatly as possible. By the time all of the paperwork was completed, I was greatly in-debt and feeling totally defeated. I dealt with depression and had no clue how to get my life moving forward again. I’m not tight with my family and I’d given up most of my friendships during my marriage. A coworker of mine recommended that I sign up at a gym. She suggested that group fitness classes would be a great way to meet new friends. Plus, becoming healthy leads to a positive outlook. This sounded like a beneficial plan to me, and I immediately signed up at the local fitness center. My gym membership has totally transformed my life. I go to the gym nearly every single day after work and often on Saturday evenings as well. I’ve tried nearly every group class that is offered. I’ve taken yoga, pilates, spin classes, boot camp, circuit training and CrossFit. I’ve met some truly wonderful people and forged great friendships. Through my acquaintances at the gym, I’ve become involved in all sorts of activities, including whitewater rafting, hiking, cycling and marathons. I’ve dropped weight, increased strength and feel healthier than ever. My new and more productive way of life has resulted in an increase in confidence. I think this is why I’ve been offered a promotion at work. The promotion provides more money, and I’m paying off my debts.

Personal Fitness Programs