A/c professional not acting so professional by not observing social distancing protocol

Our hometown was hit quite hard when the Covid pandemic started. Several families have lost their loved ones while a good number are still under observation. Because of the overwhelming spread of the infection, the mayor insisted that everyone must adhere to the social distancing protocols, especially those still providing essential services. But being the human that we are, sometimes we forget the most important or basic rules. Winter had just started, and I was late in booking for a/c service and a/c tune up from my regular local contractor in readiness for the season because I was out of town. Luckily the cooling and heating company was able to slot me in, a week after I came back. Where I came from, rules on social distancing were a bit stringent than in my hometown, and I noticed the laxity when the a/c professional sent over, walked in without a mask and wanted to be as closer to me as possible while updating me on the condition of my temperature control and ductless HVAC. This made me uncomfortable and when I brought it up, he thought I was being petty. He didn’t like my response so he excused himself and left. I had to call his office and explain the situation before they sent over a new contractor the following day. I was glad I didn’t have ductwork on the list because my service would have lasted longer. My concern was how they handle lots of HVAC brands, install new air conditioning, and educate users on the importance of observing energy saving tips when using HVAC equipment. But the replacement was professional, courteous, and welcoming. I liked the service and his tips encouraged me to learn more about air conditioning.

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