Camping With a Little Heater is a Must

Most people choose the tropical Spring break holiday.

After a long, very cold winter, almost everyone is eager about dipping their toes in the ocean and soak up some of that natural vitamin D.

My buddy had a most unusual idea for Spring break this year, instead of staying at the beach for a whole week, the two of us then made the decision to go camping for a three day weekend. Both of us thought it might be fun to try something a bit different! One of our good friends liked to camp with his family quite a lot. So he had a tent, grill, and sleeping bags for each of us. Both of us absolutely didn’t want to buy anything else! As I was packing stuff, I was distraught about the cold temperatures at night. I wasn’t quite sure the sleeping bag would keep me sizzling enough. I packed a ton of extra layers. I absolutely was going to sleep through the night. On the first night, I began putting on all the layers and preparing for a long night. The temperature had dropped to less than fifty degrees. But then when my buddy saw how many layers I’d put on, he simply laughed. He went to his truck and then came back with a small black box. I asked him what that was, and he said it was a small portable heater. He plugged it into the electricity behind the tent. Our tent was heated within seconds. I couldn’t begin to believe how sizzling it made our small tent! That night, almost all of us went to bed sandwiched between each other. We slept so comfortably in the heat. With that portable heater, I suppose I’ll have to go camping more often!


New heating