Joining a gym with my friend

I’ve started going on my own as well as with Sarah.

My friend, Sarah, and I joined the gym together. It’s approximately a twenty-minute commute to the gym and we thought it would be convenient to carpool. We also hoped that scheduling workouts together would hold us more accountable and be motivational. After one session at the gym together, I realized that Sarah and I have very different goals. Her favorite part of the gym is the tanning beds. She only wants to spend about half an hour at the gym. She might sit on the stationary bike and read a book or walk on the treadmill. She doesn’t ever work up a sweat and never needs to shower afterward. She’s content with visiting the gym once per week. I prefer to get more out of my gym membership fees. I spend a minimum of an hour at the gym and utilize as many different machines and equipment as possible. I might run on the treadmill for half an hour and then switch to the elliptical. I love the rowing machine and really enjoy the weight training machines. I sometimes use the battle ropes, hit the heavy bag or workout with kettlebells, resistance bands or free weights. By the end of the workout, I’m drenched in sweat and a shower is a necessity. I like to head to the gym three or four times per week. I’ve started going on my own as well as with Sarah. I’ve signed up for several different group fitness classes. I’ve tried yoga, pilates, spin, boot camp and HIIT training. I’ve lost weight and seen a noticeable improvement in my strength, stamina and muscle tone. Sarah complains that she’s not seeing results from her gym membership.



Yoga studio