Going to the gym strengthened our marriage

I think when you have been married as long as we’ve been married, a slump in the relationship can happen.

We got married young and had kids right away. That sort of set the trajectory of the last couple of decades. So when we were empty nesters in our mid forties, we weren’t sure what to do. Thankfully, my wife came up with the idea of joining a gym together. At the time, the last thing I wanted to do was go get a gym membership. But my wife really wanted us to have something that we did together throughout the week. Plus, she was so right that we needed to get committed to our health and fitness. So we went down to the health and fitness center near us and our work to see what it was all about. I knew nothing about gyms but what I’d seen on TV. So I was amazed at how incredible the place was. It was just so nice. And there were so many options from weight lifting, to yoga classes and cross fit to choose from. We joined the gym and the first thing we did was to get with the certified fitness expert who helped us sort of chart a course. We started out by doing a few group fitness training classes together and then worked our way into customizing our own workout programs. Our personal health and wellness have greatly benefited from the commitment to health and fitness. But it’s made our marriage stronger as well because we have done it together. That’s led us to find new shared passions and opened up a wonderful new chapter in our lives.

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