I guess I showed his how to change the furnace filter.

I left my husband behind when I went into the service.

I was proud to serve my country, however I was sad about my husband; When I was called to go overseas, the people I was with and I had just found out he was pregnant, and I could not get it out of my mind. I could FaceTime his nearly every day, however periodically the connection wasn’t too good, then the last time I talked to her, he was in tears, however he had the HVAC worker to the house, and he told his the problem with the furnace was that he wasn’t decreasing the air filter respectfully. She told him he didn’t guess how to change the air filter, and the HVAC worker wanted to show her. I looked at my husband, who was in tears, and rubbing his extended belly. I wanted to supply his a hug, however I couldn’t. I was sure I had showed his how to change the air filter, however I could have been mistaken, then before I could tell his he should ask the HVAC worker to show his how to change the air filter, the people I was with and I lost the connection. The next night, I called his again. She was all smiles. She told me the HVAC worker came back after he was done with his shift… He showed his how to change the air filter and had his do it on his own. She was so proud of herself that he could not stop smiling. She kissed the computer screen, and I was sure I felt his lips on mine. She was learning more about living without me every day, and I hoped he still needed me when I got home.


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