The rain slowed the heating and ac business

The rain was really causing the heating and air conditioning business to be late today.

I normally love rainy and cloudy weather but why on all days that it has to rain today? I have been waiting eagerly for over 3 weeks to have my brand new air conditioning system installed.

This AC system is truly the latest and greatest of AC technology, there just isn’t a central air conditioning system that is better than this one. My local HVAC business has been so busy taking care of all the other customers that they just haven’t had time to get me an appointment sooner, the appointment I had today was the soonest I could get. Unfortunately this meant that when I made the appointment I had to wait 3 weeks, so after waiting and what felt like a very long 3 weeks I was eager to get my air conditioning system. The appointment was at 2:00 p.m. and the heating and AC guy texted me at 2:45 explaining that because of an HVAC job at a customer’s house, and because of the rain that was pounding our streets, but it was going to take him a little bit longer to get here. I’m so worried that he’s going to have a hard time even installing the central AC unit in the rain! I really hope the rain stops. I want my air conditioning system now. I can’t help but to worry that what if the rain somehow damages the air conditioning system? That would be absolutely horrible. I just want my AC already.

Ductless heat pump