Changing out the air filters

Today is Sunday and do you know what that means? It means it’s time to change the filters of course! When it comes to doing things I have to admit I’m a bit of a creature of habit, I have a schedule for everything and I map out everything that I’ve been to do for the entire day.

  • I have a best friend who’s the complete opposite of this, and she’s very good with the flow type of person.

Even though the two of us handle schedules and routines very differently it doesn’t stop us from hanging out and having a good time together. However it does make it more difficult for us to do things that aren’t planned, or at least for me it does. Because she’s spontaneous she’ll change plans at the drop of a dime! Whereas for me I got to go through my plan around my calendar and make sure that I have room to do what it is I want to do. The things that I do every Sunday on the third month of the year is change out my air filters, yes I know it’s all specific but like I said I really have a routine for everything. So every 3 months I change up my air filter and I only do it on a Sunday. This is just because it’s the way I’ve been doing it for a long time and I don’t have any plans on changing it. If I want to have good indoor air quality in my home it’s important that I change out my air filters frequently to keep my heating and AC system in the best condition possible.
New air conditioning