Working out in a tepid gym

I am in school on an athletic scholarship for school.

  • Most of my friends growing up are blessed that their parents are able to afford to pay for their schooling, however that was not the case for me.

I work actually difficult to keep my scholarship too however it’s difficult balancing my school work with my hoops schedule. I have practice every single afternoon and I also have to worry about daily tests too, then periodically it is overwhelming but I just have to remember that even on the taxing mornings that I am blessed to be able to go to school at all. However, this past week it has been difficult to keep this perspective. At practice the air conditioner in the gym wasn’t laboring and it hadn’t been laboring for about five mornings. My coach doesn’t care if the air conditioner is laboring or not because she will make us practice regardless. I even asked her if someone was going to come out to have the air conditioner fixed, even though she didn’t have the answer. So I asked one of the janitors if the school was going to have an Heating and A/C supplier come out to repair the air conditioner so we didn’t have to practice in the heat, however the janitor didn’t know the answer either. I am starting to get irritated because I just want to practice in cool air. I hope that in the next few mornings the air conditioner will be laboring again.

furnace/heater installation