Always wanted a “zoo” – but not the HVAC and energy costs

Ever since I was a child I dreamed of having about a million pets.

When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say that I wanted to have some kind of animal rescue.

I only wanted to help animals in any way that I could. There have been times that I’ve considered leaving everything behind and embarking on this Animal Welfare career. Before I start making any major moves in this direction, I figure that I need to have my ducks in a row. Currently, I can barely afford to cover my own energy bills. In the house where I live these days the HVAC system isn’t very new. It looks as though the heater is probably 20 years old and the AC is only 10. Both of these numbers are pretty substantial when it comes to the life of an HVAC system. The energy efficiency really starts to deteriorate after a couple of years consistently run in your heating and cooling devices. I’ve been meaning to invest in newer heating and cooling systems, but I rarely have the extra funds to devote to such a selfish to ask. I’m usually too busy sending all of my spare cash to the local Humane Society. However, if I ever want to have my own Animal Welfare career, I’m going to have to take good care of the animals. That includes having excellent air temperature control and air quality. If I’m going to have a house jam-packed full of homeless animals, I want them to have the most comfortable temporary home possible. we aren’t going to have fluctuating heating and cooling in the house. There won’t be pockets of hot air or cold drafts. We won’t worry about the humidity or the site of dander floating through the air. Most of all, we won’t disturb the neighbors with the assorted smells of running a miniature zoo.



Further information on AC