The thermostat fight

I have never argued with my boyfriend about leaving the toilet seat up or going out with his friends.

No, we argue about really weird stuff.

He has a big problem with the way I load the dishwasher. I don’t like the way he sets our thermostat. My boyfriend was a menopausal woman in a past life, I swear. He constantly wants to run the cooling system. All summer long I am freezing cold in the house. He sets the thermostat at 70 degrees and will still turn on the ceiling fans. I have been slowly removing the fans from the various rooms. I hate them so bad. When he asks if I am hot, I know that his code for turning on the AC. It doesn’t matter that I am comfortable, it is all about him. In the winter I get pretty salty when he won’t let me turn on the heating system. When it is cold outside, I want to be warm inside. I hate it when I have to wear a coat in my own home. Why does he get to say how the thermostat is set too? It is my house as well. I pay the mortgage the same as him. There is one of our biggest fights for you. I recently downloaded the app for the smart thermostat. It is nice that I don’t even have to get up and alert him if I change the thermostat. I just sneak a new setting and see how long it takes him to notice. I really like to change the settings while he is sleeping. I get a few hours of being the right temperature before he complains.
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