My dad’s weird preferences

My parents just split up and I got my father in the divorce.

He had nowhere to stay and my brothers were not stepping up.

Now dad lives with me and I have more sympathy for my mother. My father is not an easy houseguest. He is super demanding and has weird things that are important. First, every dinner has to have meat and potato. I don’t want to make a roast on an 80 degree day. Who wants to eat potatoes everyday for dinner too? My father also wears 8 billion articles of clothing and wants them washed frequently. I am constantly washing, cleaning and caring for him like a baby. Another concern is how he sets my thermostat. I get it, circulation goes down as you get older. My dad also is very stationary. He basically wants to sit in a chair to read, watch TV or his birds. He gets cold doing this and ups the heating. In the middle of the summer I am not allowed any cooling or my dad bitterly complains. In the winter I wear shorts and a tank top. I just sweat to death inside my own home. I am constantly turning on ceiling fans and going outside. Standing outside in the snow sometimes is a welcome relief. I really want to get my dad his own place but he isn’t really motivated to go. I have made the house way too comfortable for him. I really need to start pumping some AC and making tofu meals to get him to look for a new place.


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