Protecting our Heating and A/C equipment

But I think that is sort of the reality that the two of us live in now

I’m now forced to take some rather severe measures in order to protect our Heating and A/C equipment. This is due to the fact that there is a new burglary trend sweeping our area. It so goes to just how desperate people addicted to opioids and other substances are becoming. Thieves are now destroying entire Heating and A/C lodgeets and their satisfieds to get to copper fittings. That’s right, they are bypassing the fact that numerous of the components they are simply destroying are worth far, far more than the copper fittings they are after. But these are desperate people. They don’t have the time, knowledge or ability to steal lavish Heating and A/C device and get it sold. Instead they go after what is definitely sold and that would be the copper inside the Heating and A/C lodgeet. Yet, they are taking pennies on the dollar from those buying the copper. It’s just a cycle of stupid. Not to mention a total nightmare for the homeowner. There is dealing with the insurance people who don’t want to pay. And so a homeowner has to come up with the initial money outlay to upgrade the ruined Heating and A/C equipment. I’m going to now lock down the Heating and A/C lodgeet. I bought a steel cage that fits over the Heating and A/C device next to our house. Then I have to lock this thing down to the concrete pad the Heating and A/C device sits on. Seems prefer an bad lot of trouble to go through just to prefer heating and cooling comfort inside our home. But I think that is sort of the reality that the two of us live in now. I dislike it for all involved.


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