Swapped out dial on temperature control to confuse partner

I admit, I am a bit of a troublemaker.

I never genuinely thought this was the case until a few years ago when I realized how much I prefer being mischievous plus getting a rise out of people.

The thing is, I typically do it in a light-hearted plus fun way. I never want to make anybody think awful or to cause any actual harm… However, I understand that our pranks can still be rather frustrating if you have been living with them for an extended stage of time plus you are the most regular targets of our hilarious jokes. By that, I mean that our boyfriend gets a lot of grief from our mischievous nature. Recently, I even enlisted our heating, cooling, plus air quality control program as an agent in our best prank yet… For several months our boyfriend had been complaining about the heating, cooling, plus air quality control program in our house. I agreed that the temperature control devices were genuinely not keeping things as comfortable as they could be anymore. I felt love all of us both had to watch the temperature control genuinely closely to keep our furnace plus a/c program working appropriately. However, our boyfriend started getting a bit obsessive with the indoor temperature control drama. I found him researching indoor air conditions control program maintenance plus DIY maintenance tutorials plus knew that he was primed for a nice prank. One day I went to the temperature control plus I swapped out the cheap plastic dial for a unusual cheap plastic dial. I watched in utter amazement our boyfriend tried to adjust the temperature control program hour after hour, never achieving the expected temperature output. When he was about to call the local heating, cooling, plus air quality control dealership for professional help I finally told him about the temperature controls swap. He broke up with me.



Hydronic heater