One More HVAC Industry Article and I Take a Siesta

I am having a friend come by for lunch but I am feeling quite sleepy right now so I will knock out this article and take an hour’s down, as my gramps used to call it back in the day.

He worked as an HVAC salesman and after a hard day’s work he would come home in the afternoon and take an hour nap to recharge so that he could go out on the lake and catch some fish.

I like to do the same after I work for a couple of hours to give me energy to do the things I need to do for the rest of the day. I like to write my HVAC industry articles in the morning so that my days are free, but today I slept in pretty late from a late night of playing volleyball, so I am now working in the afternoon for a bit. My friend works at the local business till 3pm and she is going to come by for lunch and a writing session. We like to write poetry for songs and listen to inspirational piano music to motivate us. I am going to write a song about air conditioning because it is really hot out and I think it would be a good topic to sing about. In the winter I do the opposite and sing about fire and space heaters to help warm everyone up who is listening. We do a lot of shows on the streets and the weather can be brutal, so I like to sing about pleasant things like climate control systems.

furnace/heater service