Some black tea and a space heating device

Well, I survived this weekend’s onslaught of volleyball games on the beach, playing all three days and totally wiping myself out in the process.

I also played music Friday and Saturday night for about four hours total, so when you add that to all of the volleyball playing, I am totally out of energy for the time being.

Today I will rest and stay off of the beach and just hang out with a friend, or I may ride my bike to the beach of the dead to hang out and rest my mind. The local business near me is having a sale on some of their heating devices and I want to see if there is anything that I may need for next winter. If I see something I like then I could buy it and store it up in our attic till next winter. I am in the market for a good radiant space heater, or even a small gas furnace for my office while I work during the cold season My office can get really cold and if it is too cold my fingers don’t work well, and then it takes me a lot longer than it should take to write my stories. I will work for a little bit longer next to my little electric heater and then I am going to head to the kitchen and turn on the HEPA filter fan above the stove and make my tasty grilled cheese sandwich. I could eat them every single day, but I guess they aren’t so healthy for the body.
smart thermostat