Three more heat pump ditties

I like that name; ditty.

It means a short simple song, and although I am not writing a song right now, let’s just pretend it is and keep moving along.

I write a lot of ditties for our band, the funniest one being called A Short Song, which is a comical story about a short song. I never thought that 17 years of standup comedy would help me so much in the music world like it has. I can make up lyrics in the moment when we are playing, which adds a cool component to our music. The local business is going to pay us to do a show outside of their venue, as soon as they get the a/c unit fixed in the place. It is getting hotter outside and we don’t want to be sweating like crazy when we play or we could get shocked from the power cords or something in our sound system. I think the HVAC company is going to come out next week to fix their a/c system and then we can talk to them about when we should do a show there. I think it should be a good turnout, as a lot of our friends are asking when we are going to be playing next time. We have to play in the local businesses now because we can no longer play in the streets, according to the HVAC rep who overheard the police talking about us. I guess we are pretty famous in town, at least with all of the local police!

electric heating