We put ventilation in the guest room

There are many different ways a spare room can become a junk room. There is the method my mother used in my childhood home. She started throwing all of the extra stuff that was lying around into one of the guest rooms, when a surprise family member showed up. I was lucky to have grown up in a beautiful, HVAC controlled Southern home. My mom was into entertaining in her Southern hospitality. When people were coming to visit, her way of making room was to toss overflow items into a guest room and close the door. She would then go back and retrieve the things she needed. The junk room just got to the point where the door was never opened again. I have experienced much the same thing as the odd junk room evolution. Our junk room got started due to terrible Heating and A/C. We only have one guest room and ever since we moved in, it had been uncomfortably cold. Our home is located in a part of the country that stays quite cold for several months of the year. This guest room just wouldn’t heat up and we simply left the room alone. I called the HVAC company and asked them to help me solve the problem. It turned out that it wasn’t an HVAC problem but it was actually a ventilation problem. The heating and cooling technician told me that due to the renovations the previous owners made, the HVAC ventilation pattern was disturbed. This was why the cold junk room was born. After several years of having a junk room, I finally found a way to mitigate the HVAC ventilation problem. I installed a few room to room vent fans that pull or push warm air into the spaces that need it. Now, we are bringing the junk room back into being a usable room.



Heating and cooling equipment