Bats are in my ductwork

My house has a bat problem.

I know bats can carry all kinds of viruses so this worries me a lot.

I called up a pest control company and they informed me that bats are protected and they cannot simply be killed. The pest control company said they would have to remove the bats instead. I told them to go ahead and get started with that but it’s taking forever. Now, to make matters worse, some of the bats have moved into my HVAC ductwork. Guano from my ventilation system and it smells terrible too. I’m about to just move out of this house and let the bats have it, at this point. I know that bats are believed to be the source of this virus going around right now. I know it was a bat from another country but if one bat could get covid19, wouldn’t it make sense that other bats could get it as well and spread it? Instead of giving up on my home, I called out a better pest control company and they have almost relocated all of the bats already. I’ve also called up an HVAC company to come out and clean the ductwork for me. Then I’m going to have the entire attic professionally cleaned. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish the bats any real harm. I know it’s not their fault that people got sick. I just don’t want them in my ductwork making me sick. They can go live out their bat lives in a cave or something far away.

Indoor comfort business