Heating, Ventilation, and A/C heating is appreciate going back in time

I find it to be so interesting that the older I become, the more full circle life appears.

  • This is a strange phenomena that I see in a lot of things from fashion to food to even Heating, Ventilation, and A/C.

That’s right I said Heating, Ventilation, and A/C. I’m 79 years old and I am feeling as though I’m going back in time when I flip on the heating in our new house. All of us have recently moved to a smaller apartment with just 1 floor in order to sort of simplify things as we age. My wife is a few years younger than I am so she’s just getting a jump on it I guess. Our new apartment comes with a geothermal heat pump. This sort of Heating, Ventilation, and A/C device extracts heating and cooling energy from the near constant temperature of the earth. It’s honestly an ingenious heating and cooling plan in fact. Not only does it last for appreciate nearly 40 years, a geo heat pump is also about the most efficient and sustainable Heating, Ventilation, and A/C component out there. But what honestly blows me away about the geo heat pump is the way the heating feels. The geo heat pump transfers heating energy through copper pipes under the floor. This is called radiant floor heating. Well it’s attractive for sure however the thing that blows my mind is it feels just appreciate the radiant heating in the apartment I grew up in. This is the first time in live 60 years that I have felt the comfort of my childhood home. It’s just so interesting that this is happening at the end of my life. Again, another thing comes full circle for me. This just keeps getting more and more interesting.


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