What helps me sleep more? Fans or A/C

There’s nothing quite like having a nice loud fan or two in your bedroom to help you sleep soundly.

I absolutely adore the white noise that a fan provides.

In fact, I have become addicted to the white noise and breeze from a fan, to the point where I have a couple fans blowing in my room even in the winter time! It’s just an absolute must. Not only does it provide additional cooling, but I think the most important thing is the white noise blocking out other noises and providing a soothing sound to help me sleep. In fact, it is proven that white noise helps people sleep better. Of course, I very much prefer to also have good air conditioning running in addition to the fans. However, believe it or not, if I had to choose between one of the other, I would definitely choose having fans running over having the air conditioner. Of course, my room would be much warmer without the added benefit of an air conditioner, but the white noise is the most important part in helping me sleep. I know that I am capable of making do with just fans, because there was a stretch of time, about a half a year or so, during which my family had a broken air conditioner that went unfixed. We actually ended up replacing it entirely when the time finally came to address the issue. So while I can live without an air conditioner, though I certainly would not want to, I simply can’t live without fans!

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