Dry winter air

Living in the north, we especially enjoy our beautiful autumn seasons.

The outside air temperatures are typically between fifty and seventy degrees, and the humidity drops considerably from the summer levels.

The night temperatures make for very comfortable sleeping conditions, especially if you leave your bedroom windows open. The fruit trees, which are abundant in the area, are bursting with apples. And leaves on deciduous trees turn to breathtaking colors of gold, orange and red. By November, the days and nights get much cooler, requiring thermostat settings be switched from air conditioner to furnace. This ultimately lowers the humidity levels of the inside air, and within a few weeks, our skin starts feeling dry, requiring daily applications of moisturizer. When December rolls around, the air gets even drier, leading to dry lungs and static shocks. These are sure indicators that it’s time to haul our humidifier up from the basement, fill it with water, change its filter, and start running it for the remainder of the winter. We place the humidifier in our bedroom, as the dry air leads to coughing while we sleep. The hassle of the humidifier and the cost of air filter replacements made us look into having a furnace humidifier installed. Our local HVAC contractor gave us several reasons to make the purchase and installation of the furnace humidifier. The main reason was that we’d save on energy costs, since humid air feels warmer than it actually is. This allows the thermostat to be set a cooler temperature. He told us that by lowering the thermostat by just three degrees, we’d save up to five percent on our energy bills. We were convinced and scheduled the installation right then and there.
air purification system