I used to enjoy the rain, and now it makes me nervous and paranoid

These days, I have a backup generator, but now the rain actually makes me nervous because of the experience we went through with the flooded basement

There was a time when I used to really enjoy the rain. I would love to just sit there for hours looking out the window at the rain or just read a book next to the fireplace. The sound of the rain was always calming to me and made me feel better. Well, we recently had this terrible thunderstorm that brought heavy rain and also knocked out the power. This was actually a scary situation without the power being on. This was very uncomfortable because the HVAC system wasn’t working and the air quality became pretty bad. I couldn’t tell you how humid and uncomfortable in the house. The worst thing is the fact that the sump pump wasn’t working with no electricity. This made me feel so bad because I should have had a backup generator in case of a situation like this, but I didn’t have one… The basement completely flooded and everything in the basement was ruined, including our HVAC system. The only good news was the fact that we did have flooding insurance. So everything we lost in our basement was replaced, including the HVAC system. I learned a valuable lesson here, to always have a backup generator so you can run important things like the sump pump and your HVAC system. These days, I have a backup generator, but now the rain actually makes me nervous because of the experience we went through with the flooded basement. I’m always paranoid that even with the backup generator, it could happen again. What if the sump pump failed or something like that? I really don’t want to have to deal with that situation again.
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